
Stock code:002266
Shenlian Group Zhefu Hydropower Zhefu Nuclear Huadu Nuclear
Party-mass Collaboration
Show the best side through Party-mass collaboration, and jointly promote corporate development

      The Party committee of Zhefu Group has more than 180 members and six Party branches. Since the establishment of the first Party committee of a private company in Tonglu in 2006, while focusing on our central tasks, we have organized Party building and Youth League building activities, and effectively played the pioneering and exemplary role of the Party committee. We have won the following honors: Top 100 Party Organizations, Demonstrative Corporate Trade Union in Hangzhou, First-class Hangzhou-based Company in Social Responsibility Fulfillment, Grassroots Youth League Organization, Pioneering Zhejiang-based Grassroots Party Organization, Clean Government Demonstration Site in Zhejiang, Pioneering Grassroots Trade Union in Zhejiang, Pioneering Zhejiang-based Organization in Democratic Management, Pioneering Organization in the Zhejiang Ankang Cup Contest, Pioneering Zhejiang-based Company in Creating Congenial Employee Relations, National Model Workers' Home, National High-tech Company, etc.

Party-mass Event
Remembering the party's historical events
Remembering the party's historical events
Remembering the party's historical events
Zhefu Party Committee Monthly Party Day Activities

      In order to further strengthen the leadership of party building, the Zhefu Party Committee carries out fixed-theme party day activities for party members in various forms and rich content on the 25th of each month. During the activities, each branch will study, convey and implement the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the requirements of the higher-level party organizations, and the various forms according to the themes determined each month in the prescribed time, through study meetings, seminars, and exchange meetings. Reporting materials and current affairs of important meetings.
     It has improved the awareness of party members and enhanced the sense of mission and responsibility of party members.

Study and implement the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress
Revisiting the oath of joining the party
Trade Union Events

        Since its establishment, our trade union has fully leveraged its due roles, actively engaged in democratic management, guaranteed legitimate benefits for employees, channeled tremendous efforts to innovation, provided care and support for employees, and effectively strengthened team building for employees and corporate culture building under the leadership of the higher-level Party working committee and the robust support of the administrative staff. For all these contributions, we have won many honors such as the National Model Workers' Home.

Representatives of young employees welcome the 20th National Congress
Representatives of young employees welcome the 20th National Congress
Drama performance
Red song show
Zhefu Training
Photo Contest Awards
Youth employee representative Huapingshan team program
Canteen Volunteer
Spring Festival is coming